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The Oscars Are Stupid

"Are you one of the beautiful people? Am I on the wrong track? Sometimes it feels like I'm made of eggshells, and it feels like I'm gonna crack."

They are. I mean, who in the fuck would want to watch a bunch of egomaniacal shitwits mincing about as though what they do is somehow important? And if you thought The Oscars were important, well, I'm here to set you straight. It is, in fact, an event at which a large amount of people who do small amounts of work for unspeakable amounts of money get together to share the orgasm that must surely arrive at the end of yet another year of furious masturbation. And no doubt some fucker will, at some point, stride out onto the stage and announce a wonderful initiative that will raise money for the victims of the Tsunami. This announcement will receive feelgood applause from a hall full of people who make more in a year than you'll make in a lifetime wearing outfits with a combined value somewhere in the hundreds of thousands.

I'm sitting here laughing because I type shit like this and I always end up wondering if it's just me. I mean, am I being incredibly naive? Am I missing some small and vital point that somehow makes this an acceptable way to behave? I must be, because I don't see anybody else complaining.

Fuck The Oscars. And if you indulge these hypocritical pricks, then fuck you too.


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