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Click Here For World Domination

"We know. Yes, we know; it's my ego on fantastic. But still, you're fuckin' with my plastic. Dedicated, medicated, they bend and break me; overrate me."

My parents, specifically my mother, have gone insane. I'm not kidding. Two days ago, we had one PC in the house, the same one I've been using since 1997. Yesterday, we still had this decrepit piece of machinery, but it had been joined by a monstrously powerful computer mum picked up in the sales. This new PC was to go in my parents' room, and would be linked to mine by way of a wireless network, the component parts of which my mum had also purchased, along with a fat pile of peripherals and add-ons that was just plain embarrassing.

Of course, whenever you try and link a machine that hasn't had any significant updates since well before the millennium to the pinnacle of modern home computer technology, you're going to have some issues. My PC, when you switched it on, would give you a list of programmes that weren't working properly. Its new companion, however, offered a low, throaty chuckle, and a button that read 'Click Here For World Domination'.

I could have made it work, though. By the time I was too tired to continue last night, both bedrooms were a mess of wires and cards and random parts that no longer had a home. All I needed, at that point, was one measly ethernet cable to make the whole thing operational.

But when I staggered from my room this afternoon, mother had one-upped me again. She'd gone out and bought an ethernet cable, yes. But while she was at it, she'd also picked herself up another shiny new PC. Just like that.

"Uh?" I said, standing half-naked and mostly asleep at the top of the stairs.

"I bought you a new PC," she replied, somewhat obviously.

I blinked.

"Are you going to set it up? We got that cable."

I looked at the computer, then at the cable, allowed myself a slight smile.

"That's the wrong one," I said.

So my stepdad and I went out for the right cable. When we returned, I had to back-up all my important files and then rip my faithful old PC out of its various sockets, some of which had grown mould. With that done, I installed my second new PC in two days, found my way around the vagaries of our wireless network, and got the thing running.

It's like going to sleep in Herbie and waking up in K.I.T.T.

Anyway, as I'm sure you've already noticed, I have embraced this new technology by giving the site another quick redesign. I hope you like it.

I'm taking the next few days off, making this my final post of the year. I'd like to thank those of you who have read or contributed to NFADR since I started it in June. The comments, e-mails, and various links I've received and followed since then have made doing this a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I hope you've all enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Have a suitably stylish New Year, and I'll see you on the 1st.


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